Monday, September 24, 2012


First thing that you need to create is the characters for your movie. You may search the web for inspiration on creating exciting characters for your movie.

once you have decided on the character you would like to model, you can oppen your 3d modelling software. Even though I have some experience with apps. such as Maya and Blender, for this tutorial i will be using 3DS Max 9.

I dont know about you but i prefer to start with the head when I'm modelling a human character. Basic reason for this is that i tend to achieve so much so quick: For an example, once the head has been completed, I can start making my character talk right away with morph targets. (This is simply a process of making a number of duplicates of the head you have just modelled, then tweak them around to achieve a wide variety of facial expresions with each of them).

 That way your character can start talking and making all sorts of expressions even before it has the rest of the body! You may even start using your Close-Ups right away.

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