Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blender Basics … continued

The best way to learn how to use the application is to actually use it. There are however very important things that you will have to know before you get started. You will have to forget much about how you use the mouse in Windows applications. For an example, usually to select something in Windows Applications you right-click it. And to access the properties of the selected object you may have to right-click it. Well in Blender things work a little differently so keep the following in mind:

1. You want to select something in viewport? Right-click it!

2. You don’t have to click to make a window active, just move your mouse over it.

3. Use keyboard shortcut to select a Tool (e.g. S to Scale, R to Rotate, etc), then just move the mouse (no dragging), to carry out the command.

Get the above tips into your genes from the start if you really want to work quickly in Blender.

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