I am working with Blender 2.6, so I will advise you to use the same version to keep things simple between us.
I will be using the above picture as reference images to model my 3D character. You may be using a different picture. That’s fine as long as it has both the Front and the Side view images.
You will have to hide the Tools window to add some more space to the views. You can always access your Tools quickly through keyboard shortcuts. Toggle between hide/show by pressing T on your keyboard.
Fig. 3 |
Fig.4 |
After splitting the Viewport into two, move your mouse to the left view and hit 5 and then 1 on your NumPad. (Make sure the NumLock button is ON). Then move your mouse over to the right view and hit 5 and then 3. This will change your views to Ortho Front and Ortho Side, which is what we want to be able to trace our ref. images accurately.
Browse for your reference images...
Blender uses a different kind of window for saving or opening your files.
Your viewports should now look like this...
You have finished setting up your reference images. Next we will be getting to the fun stuff.
I hope you managed to get to this stage successfully. If you have any queries about this resource do not hesitate to bring it to my attention. The might be errors, tyops, etc here and there or just a statement that doesn't make sense to you. If you pick up any such nonsesnse, please bring it to my attention.
There'll be more resources coming up....