Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is Multimedia

I use multimedia as a collective word for various types of media (mediums) rather than as a definition of a particular technology. I have worked as both Graphic Artist and Musician. I have over 24 years in both these fields. This kind of experience coupled with advanced and in-depth knowledge of Software applications such as Reason, CakeWalk, Photoshop, FreeHand, Illustrator, CorelDraw, 3D Studio Max, Blender, etc. There is a lot of knowledge I will share with you on this blog. This is still a newer blog so I'm still in the process of ensuring that you get only relevant information.

Music is my passion. This is where I will be starting in the next few days! I'm currently in the process of ensuring that the kind of information I want to share with makes sense. I will be starting with Music Theory and I expect that by the end of this course you should be able to read and write your own music. I will be providing you with all the tools you need to create your music. But please note that there is nothing that can replace talent. After completing the music Theory Course I will move to some Music Software. By the end of the lesson you should have completed at least two songs!

Then next will be Graphics, Animation, Sound Engineering, etc.

Lastly I will show you how to use ALL these techniques to create you own Movie.

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