Here is the face of Mongi that I will be modeling. I had to re-do him again from scratch. Completed version got wiped off when my PC crashed a few days ago. As you can see knowing what to do to recover from disaster is very important. I hope you won't have to go through that, but if you do, start things from scratch again. It can be a great learning experience.
Mongo, the Hunter.
The most difficult part of modeling the human face is done when you see these result
...closer to the axis of symmetry as shown below. (The blue arrow pointing upwards is sitting on the Axis of Symmetry)
Apply the Mirror Modifier
For a problem-free modeling, make sure that the settings of the Mirror modifier are as indicated below
Basically modeling involves extruding, and then using G, R, and S keyboard shortcuts to Move, Rotate and Scale your extrusions. When and how to use these tools depends on he result you want